Hello everybody! Welcome to BQ store official PlayerUP EVE Online thread! o7 ( image clickable ) QUICK ABOUT BQ store is a TOP RATED eBay EVE ONLINE seller currently with over 2660 feedback's www.eBay.com/usr/bq_store We have over 3 years of amazing work and perfect reputation among our customers. Cooperate with BQ and you will discover really FAST & PRO communications, BEST price and INSTANT payment. Join growing BQ team, we want you as SUPPLIER! Actual buy rate is UP TO 3.3$ PER BILLION ISK WE INTERESTED IN ISK Characters & Accounts PLEX Skill Injectors Any kind of assets (located at Jita 4-4 CNAP and/or Low Sec) Supercapital ships PAYMENT METHOD Primary: PayPal Possible: Skrill / Webmoney / ePayments / PaySera / Bitcoin CONTACT US VIA PlayerUP message system :p OR CARE OF SCAMMERS Only bquadtv is right Skype, live:bquadtv is scammer. Take care about your time and money. Use original premium BQ service. WWW.BQSTORE.NET our website with all actual information! check it now! Thank you for time. See you soon! o7 Best regards and wishes, BQ support team.
GREETINGS, COMMANDER o7 WELCOME TO EVE BQ STORE OFFICIAL playerup THREAD! WWW.EVEBQ.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- QUICK ABOUT EVEBQ store is a trusted professional seller with perfect reputation and thousands of satisfied clients. In our experience supply more than quadrillion ISK, items and ships. Our company constantly receiving highest ratings from customers. Take a look at our store! OVER 6 YEARS OF FLAWLESS WORK FAST AND SECURE DELIVERY ONLY LEGIT ISK SOURCES All this year's EVE BQ store helps thousands of our customers to get amazing EVE experience without an annoying farm. We deliver orders usually in 5-10 minutes right after you placed an order if we are on working hours. EVE BQ store is cooperating only with trusted and reliable suppliers. All our ISK gathered aren't from macrousing (#) or any punishable fraud activities. This is how we minimize any possible risks. MORE THAN QUADRILLION ISK SUPPLIED FEEDBACKS AND REVIEWS OUR REFUND POLICY With your help and our extremely safe delivery ways we crossed this line. This number showing that EVE BQ store is trustable partner to work with. Our company have thousands of positive reviews at different places. For example only at eBay we have 2600+ positive feedbacks. Now you can see our efficiency at TrustPilot. If you get caught for RMT using our service we will refund your order or compensate the negative ISK wallet balance. Without any questions. Based on our solid expirience we offer you safest ISK, SKILL INJECTORS, PLEX, SHIPS, CHARACTERS and many more great stuff over the web! Check it now! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WANT TO SELL? And we want to buy! Looking for suppliers of all kind! AT EVE BQ STORE YOU'LL GET Always high ISK buying rate Instant payment right after the deal. No any kind of suspensions. Fast and professional communications. Wide range of payment methods including international bank transfers Most secure exchange methods. No need to worry about the bans. Unlimited buying possibilities. We can buy any ISK amounts in short timeframe. Try now and get surprised about service! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FEEDBACKS TRUSTPILOT eBay Over 381 feedbacks at Trustpilot as of 30.11.2022. We continue to receive feedback everyday from our customers! Check them now! trustpilot.com/review/evebq.com/ Feedback count freeze at 2666. Nice number, huh? Many years ago we start to sell our amazing services at eBay till it was allowed. From 0 to 2666 feedbacks with thousands of satisfied customers, super good job. You can still look into all feedbacks at eBay. ebay.com/fdbk/feedback_profile/bq_store/ Besides that you can check our feedbacks at our DISCORD FEEDBACKS channel: playerup.com/r8vVBEcSyx ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTACTS WWW.EVEBQ.COM released on Sep'21, before we used www.bqstore.net playerup.com/nz2Mhvz our Discord community [email protected], [email protected] skype name: BQUADTV please aware of scammers, always double check Our prime time working hours are: 7-21 EVE server time. You can always poke any of BQ admins at discrord to check if someone around ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEST REGARDS AND WISHES, EVE BQ store team.