Heya! So I recently hit the "complete burnout" stage of Genshin and just want nothing to do with the game anymore. Period. So I thought instead of just nuking my account outright I thought I would see if I could sell it on here for someone to give someone else for the Holidays some other things that I don't know how to show in pictures: -My teapot is max rank with almost every setting bar Inazuma as well as a Fontaine one assuming there is going to be one -almost all my 4stars are c6 bar a select few -I like to think I have good relics but I never really grinded out a god rolls for any of my characters -The pride and joy of my account is my C6R5 10/13/13Eula but frankly I cannot be love you to care anymore. Any and all help selling this would be appreciated! Thanks in advance, Wooper # #/Mitiono . .