welcome These Account is a Top 100 Acct Easy. 10,000,000 gold+. Level 30 Raid Healer. Has about 200 Rubies. Used the ones I had on reroll # day. About 1200 gems plus arena glory points to cash in. Has all 3 Mats ready for 3 New Awakens for Peace, Creation, and Destruction. Just need mins which have 6 ready . So you will have 3 more awakens to add to 18 already listed. Raid Tokens you can get raid heros. Raid mats for 2nd Raid hero awaken almost complete. Awakened Heros (7*):- Orga lv40- Oath Zeb lv40- Oath w/Awaken Costume +7 Lana lv40- Oath w/Awaken Costume +7 Tami lv40 Oath Shana lv30 Enrage Sion lv 40 Overcome Death Moon lv38 Oath Deb lv36 Goddess Mistra lv34 Determined Chaser Liz lv32 Quick Move SIara lv32 Restore Sylvia lv30 Overcome Death Mithy lv30 Overcome Death Pan lv30 Goddess Liana lv30 Goddess Ciel lv30 Overheat Ashan (Raid Hero) lv30 Goddess Ramia lv30 Oath Six star heros Chaos +10 Sirin +10 Minnet +7 Bunz +6 Rania +10 Wintere Grave Research Mins 6 copies IMPORTANT HEROS FOR FUTURE TRANSCEND PLZ KEEP IN MIND KEEP THESE HEROS IF YOU DECIDE USE ARENA TEAM I HAVE SETUP "ZEB LANA ORGA TAMI MOON" Zeb Lana Orga have one Six Star Copy each ready for lv42 trans at end of nov update. Now these other copies will be for the possibility of lv50 Transcend in future which I believe will happen. POSSIBLE LV 50 FUTURE TRANSCEND HERO COPIES 5 Four Star Zebs 2 Four Star Lana 3 Four Star Orgas 3 Four Star Shanas and 1 Five Star Shana 2 Four Star Mithys 1 Four Star Sion Pets: Four Star Mory Four Star Alpha T Four Star Ruv Bunch of 3 Star Ones. Have cleared all of sealed. I stopped at fl 106 of Devil tower so you have rest to climb and collect the great rewards. SUGGESTION: ID keep the copies of Zeb Orga Lana for future transcend. Get more if you can Also for the raid hero mats once you complete it. I suggest you keep them and don't use them. The same goes for using the raid tokens. I have a strong feeling in future new raid units will be released. If I'm right you'll have a new raid hero ready to awaken and transcend. Remember these are just my suggestion you can do what you want of course. Asking $600 or best offer. Price is #. Serious Buyers only Contact me through LINE APP (Its a messenger App.) My LINE ID is : Nowayout123