Selling Selling 100+ Old PL Accounts /w 3 Year Shield + Extras - 1$ Ea

Discussion in 'Pocket Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ofjkilab, 11/12/16.

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  1. ofjkilab

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    Selling a lot of PL Accounts all with 3 year PL Shield
    Some accounts have a good old name, vanities (War bringer, shield of gratitude, 2011 antlers etc) etc
    Low levels for quick pvp accounts

    It's a huge dump of pocket legends accounts but i have only checked a couple and everyone had the 3 year shield.

    Selling each account 1$ ea

    Also selling 25 unchecked accounts 10$ all guaranteed to be old with 80% of them having 3 year shield - You could get lucky! I have found at least 15M worth of old holiday items so far on one account.

    I will not sell HQ accounts cheap so don't ask. I am also not selling gold atm.

    My kik: op4111

    My Skype: live:unityconsignment

    Payments accepted: Paypal (Family and Friends) or BTC
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