Selling My insane bnet account!

Discussion in 'Gamebattles Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFylkan, 11/12/16.

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  1. FFylkan

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    World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Hearthstone, 3 games I have had very good memories with, but now comes a darker time, where I don't really enjoy these games like I used to do, and thats the reason why I want to sell. First of all, the game with most time spent on is WoW. I have 1 character in 110 with a legendary, and 5 at 100, 1 at 74 and 1 at 56. The classes that is 100 and above is the following >> Warrior (110), hunter, mage, druid, demon hunter and death knight. Monk is at 74 and Shaman 56. The account has 181 mounts, 60+ pets and 300k gold on all of them togheter, + a lot of mats and toys which will sell good on the auction house, so might even be 700-800k gold! The hearthstone account has 26k dust, 30+ legendaries and has every cardback between the ninja one and pie one. Also every hero except Khadgar. Mage and Priest golden and every other class over lvl 25. Every adventure bought and completed, except some heroics, so there are still some stuff to do ;) the cards on the account can got great potential, and I can see a very skilled HS player get to Legend rank with 'ease'. And finally, Overwatch. I have opened over 300 lootboxes, have a lot of rare items from the summer games ones and also halloween ones. I don't really know what to price this, but if you find yourself interested and want to carry on where my career ended, feel free to send me a email on - [email protected] and we will discuss from there! Ty everyone and have a wonderful day

    - - - Updated - - -

    forgot to mention but 1 month gametime is also on the WoW account ready to use! I'm also lvl 4-5 on HotS but don't think that was neccessary to mention
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