Sold [Offer] NA Late Game Dolphin Account - 52ssr / 75wnp | Every Meta Support + Lots of Meta...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/Superdodolo, 12/4/23.

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  1. /u/Superdodolo

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    Hello there! I'm trying to sell my FGO account because I'm having an hard time paying for University and dont have more time to play it.

    About the account:

    lots of Meta SSRs, many Welfares, lots of good CEs lv.100, almost every SSR with maxed skills (at least 9/9/9), every Mystic Code lv.10 besides 3, tons of np5 SRs etc.

    52ssr / 75wnp (NP4: Jack, Vlad III; NP3: Mordred, Altera, Shuten-Douji, Cú Alter; NP2: Ishtar, Tamamo Lancer, Merlin, Tamamo, First Hassan, Raikou, Sherlock)

    All Meta Supports available (Castoria, Skadi, Merlin, Nero Bride, Waver, Tamamo, Oberon, Koyanskaya)

    MLB Kaleidoscope, Black Grail, Golden Sumo, Holy Night Supper, Aerial Drive, Traces of Christmases Past; All lv.100 | Many more MLB meta CEs

    Additional information:

    • 100 SRs (17 non-welfares np5)
    • Every Welfare np5 until Utsumi Erice (can still get every welfare trough rare prism Shop)
    • Well Maintained (1900+ Logins)
    • 132 lv.10 skills (with lores still left to max more)
    • Many 9/9/9 Characters (144 lv.9 skills)
    • Every Servant Max Level besides 4 (Oberon, Artoria, Tam Lin Gawain, Gawain)
    • Still has lots of Materials
    • 3-turn Farming + Boss Fights for every Card type
    • Story completed until LB6
    • Majority of Interludes are completed (8 missing)
    • 40 Rank up quests to do and many more quartz to farm
    • FC: 248,453,477
    • BD set
    • Images
    • Price: 110$

    If you have any questions or need more informations and/or Images feel free to ask me and I'll answer as soon as I can.

    Contact either here on Reddit or, preferably, on Discord (mikon.w)

    # #/Superdodolo
    # .
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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