total lvl:1000-1100 almost 98 fishing barbarian fished for str xp so i got low hit points to have a powerful gmauler at a lower combat lvl ive spent a year or more off and on working on account i am the original owner aswell below are the percs. -big shark (POH) in bank Super rare took 20k sharks to finally catch -mith gloves -varrock armour 1 -Desert treasure -ava accumlator -castle wars halo -castle wars armour -can fish anglerfish -angler outfit -almost 98 fishing -31prayer -fully quested attack and prayer -completed god books *cblvl-50-55(not saying exact to not get banned) 50att, 77str, 1 def, 50hp, 82 range, 82 mage, 31pray, 81 fletch, 97fish, 69agile, 53 theiveing, account is one of a kind i love it but i do not play anymore and need the cash email is [email protected] this my first listing i got other accounts aswell posting at the very moment thank you for your time and no scammers will be denied instantly.
paypal accepted for both our protection so proof of purchase i can also type a bill of sales contract if need be.