Selling  Veteran Bleach Brave Souls Account

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by KennyGarcia12, 11/21/23.

  1. KennyGarcia12

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    This account is very stacked with an abundance of resources. It features many of the banner characters that were released throughout a lot of the anniversary events and other events.

    Server: Global
    Log-In Days: 251+
    Story Quests: 100% Complete
    Side Quests: 100% Complete
    Chronicle Quests: 100% Complete
    Sub-Story Quests: 100% Complete
    Orb Count: +10,000 (No Less)

    What You Should Know: I log-in regularly for any notable challenges or rewards to keep this account up to date. In terms of orbs, I rarely spend them unless the characters are worth obtaining. If I hadn't gotten shafted or messed around for gainsay, I would undoubtedly have triple than what you're seeing. Regarding my characters and accessories, there are so much that I honestly can't spend too much time taking a screenshot of each one of them. For now, I've sorted them based on rarity in the screenshots below. Feel free to contact me regarding a specific character or characters you were looking for. I'm likely to have them.

    This thread will be updated regularly and watched until a sale is made. Also, check out my profile to learn more about me.

    I need the money. It would help me in what I need it for. Plus, you'd be doing me a good service by buying it.
    It means that I won't spend any orbs that would bring it down to 10,000 orbs.
    This account is mod free, has never received a warning, strike, etc., and has never been banned.
    I don't often play Brave Battle unless it's for dailies. Tickets are saved until I feel like I need to earn metals. But I'll let you know now: This account has reached up to LT with ease.
    There are a lot of characters that haven't been given transcendence slots yet. I speculate if I were to link slot them all and give them their transcendence slots, (which I have the resources for) I'd exceed 2 million BP.
    I am, but I will leave the guild before transferring.
    Let's keep things professional please.

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    #1 KennyGarcia12, 11/21/23
    Last edited: 11/21/23
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.