WTT 30x5 Ganyu + BIS Shenhe + BIS Ayaka + BIS Yelan + BIS Kazuha (C1) ZHONGLI JEAN (C2) EULA CYNO Keqing (C1) Baizhu Childe Hu Tao Qiqi C1 Dehya 5* Weapons < - Elegy for the end - Amos Bow (x2) - LPTTSW (x2) - Calamity Queller - Mistsplitter Reforged - Skyward Blade - Aquila Favonia - Aqua Simulacra - Light of Foliar Incision ( Alhaithams SIG) LF: RHD/RHI, multis, genshin. hsr !! # #/rejected_soup267 . .