Certs and original series will be listed feel free to throw me an offer titanium white sovereign a/t (OG) Sky blue dynamo Saffron draco Saffron dynamo (OG) Aviator Crimson hypnotik Grey hypnotik (OG) Forest Green photon Pink pulsus (OG) Lime pulsus (OG) Titanium white dey kc (OG) Pink dey kc (OG) Playmaker Saffron dey kc Titanium white gaiden Aviator Black glitch wheel Striker sky blue glitch wheel Victor Saffron glitch wheel titanium white neptune (EXO) Goalkeeper sky blue neptune (EXO) Saffron neptune (EXO) Cobalt neptune (EXO) Crimson neptune (EXO) Turtle orange neptune (EXO) Purple neptune (EXO) Acrobat Grey illuminata (OG) Striker Saffron pulsus (OG) Grey octane framework (OG) Grey jäger 619 Forest Green incantor boost Forest Green shortquarter inverted (OG) Lime IO wheels (OG) Show off Titanium white cntct 1 infinite (OG) Tactician Grey cntct 1 infinite (OG) Pink z current (OG) Black jayvyn (OG) Sky blue dire wolf Lime fsl (OG) Pink fsl (OG) Orange cauldron Purple cauldron Catfish set # #/Ok_Prize7864 # .