Discussion in 'Roblox Items for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Item' started by Alloces, 11/17/23.

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  1. Alloces

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    Hi, I'm Sarah!

    The account is BelialXI, it's one of the first 1000 accounts to be made, it has limiteds such as:

    Sinister. P
    Bi-horned warrior
    Sinister Branches

    (It also has 500 robux on the account)
    It is worth 140usd. I'm willing to charge only 50usd for it.

    My discord is srh#7090

    B E L I A L X I

    Message me and we can go over the payment process! You'll go first, I was scammed 150 dollars the other day so I prefer not to go first.

    Thank you~
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