Sold [H] Tera type change & VGC building service, Backpack Codes, Shiny PoGo Legendaries [W] Paypal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/ooflord007, 11/16/23.

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  1. /u/ooflord007

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    good day! I'm currently selling the following:

    A. Services (for Scarlet/Violet + Kitakami DLC)

    - Tera type change: 2$ (no fees) per pokemon

    - Build a VGC ready pokemon from scratch (without Tera type change): 5$ + fee/s per pokemon

    *this service includes:

    - ball of choice (non-apriball)

    - IVs (ex. 0 iv/no good attack/speed) I will personally breed it using 0 iv dittos

    - EVs (I use vitamins & mochis) I can base it off pikalytics reg E if you are clueless about EV spreads

    - ability (HA included)

    - moves + pp maxing

    - nature

    - held item

    *I will be hunting/breeding the said pokemon for this service so this will NOT INCLUDE legendary pokemon/pokemon limited to events or are not found in the wild

    *If you want to provide the legendary/limited/non-wild pokemon you may do so and I will provide the rest of what the service offers

    *OT would automatically be: JohnMayor ID No. 497733

    *I have experience regarding online VGC with top rank reached: Masterball Top 6 for Regulation E using a team I built myself so rest assured I have knowledge with this kind of service

    B. Backpack Codes

    Great Ball backpack code: 3$ + fee

    Ultra Ball backpack code: 3$ + fee

    *buy BOTH: 6$ (no fees)

    C. Shiny Pokemon GO Legendaries

    ALL are OT from PoGo (already in HOME but PoGo stamp is intact)

    *OT: JohnMayor ID No. 616934

    - Shiny Groudon LVL 25 in premier ball (ENG/Adamant nature): 5$ + fee

    - Shiny Groudon LVL 25 in premier ball (ENG/Hasty nature): 5$ + fee

    - Shiny Heatran LVL 20 in premier ball (ENG/Quiet nature): 5$ + fee

    *buy TWO: 10$ (no fees)

    Reference Page

    # #/ooflord007
    . .
    #1 /u/ooflord007, 11/16/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 2/3/24
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