Hello.. well i am very sad right now because i recently got # for 42m.. i know.. really sad.. very hard work.. but now i am buying some more gold because i love this game too much to quit.. i would like to get back up there and i really didn't feel like woodcutting 10k mage logs.. -.- takes tooooo long lol and i can't afford a dragon axe so yea.. pretty much impossible..and i didn't want to risk getting banned by autoing but yea.. im level 106 and i use high level crater at bounty hunter.. add me on and we can talk some more.. my is: ***************************************************** umm.. that is pretty much it.. no scammers please i would really appreciate that.. ummmm.. yea.. i have $281.92 on my paypal to spend so that is what.. like 40m? i don't feel like calculating but yea.. add me on and we can talk.. hope to do some business with you guys! pic of my paypal: *****************************************************