- 8.7M GP - 139M credits - 79M ship credits - 27k crystals - Inquisitorius r5 and ready for GI event comeback - For Jabba only missing 7* are Skiff Guard and Boushh (Leia) - GL JML r7 - GL REY r7 - GL SEE r7 - GL SLKR r7 - GL JMK r7 - Starkiller r7 - 2 Omicrons - Kam r7 - Cat r7 - Malgus r7 - 1 Omicron - Ben Solo r6 - 1 Omicron - MAUL r7 - CAT r7 - KAM r7 - EXECUTOR 7* - PROFUNDITY 7* - TIE/IN 7* - Outrider 7* - TIE Etchelon 7* - MG-100 7* - Raven's Claw 6* - 155 G13 - 6* mods - 389 - 104 Mods +20 Speed - 29 Mods +25 Speed - 12 Omicrons - 22/20 Omicrons so you can apply another one Account also has great datacrons: - Dash - extra turn - LV - CD reduction - Vader lvl 9 - still needs reroll to CD reduction - New set has 2 pieces for Bounty Hunters on lvl 6 There is also quite good stash of carbantis and kyrotechs. Price can be negotiated and please feel free to send your offers. discord: sneider88