Selling adenas on dex 4x (the real dex 4x) server.Also selling items on dex 4x. Adena (huge amounts) Draconic set Imperial Crusader Set Any S grade Weapon + SA Duals S+7 Dynasty Robe set Frintezza Necklace Baium Ring Ring of Ant Queen Damage Dealer account's , buffer's accounts .gh80/sagi79/sd79/tyrant75 .ES78 ARION SERVER : Prophet 56 lvl with email UPDATED!!!!!!!! For prices contact me on email : pardavimui@ , or messenger : pardavimui@ After getting the money you'll get the goods 50/50 option is also available : After I gets the half price of the item you chose you'll get that item and after you'll get it you'll need to send the other half.Accepting just PAYPAL payments. Good luck.