Sold Last+2nd listing, original owner, 12 year old account, minimal progress, but acc-age-locked tanks

Discussion in 'World of Tanks Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell WoT Account' started by hddndntttw, 11/13/23.

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  1. hddndntttw

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    My Location:
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    Disclaimer: this offer is listed on 2 sites, with 99% exact wording, and usually picked up by search engines, if you are courious to find the other.

    This account is an occasionally (recently never) used account, what was created in 2011. All information about it visible on the following links Link1 link2 link3 link4 (Addationally there are the accumumulated goods waiting for activation: e.g. the yearly-bonus premium days, what are unclaimed because it was not logged in in-client, just on website [credentials kept up to date]).

    Avaible to claim or buy from 14th of Nov, 19:00 UTC (timezones-link, about a day later than the offer got listed, set up a reminder if intereseted), until i still can log into it (not secured by the one who gets it)!
    Claim or buy?
    -Claim: Leave a comment (This is a must [as some kind of public proof for activity], queue defining, but only matters after it is claimable [time above has passed {at email, arrival time ticked over}]. The main que is determined by the order in wich the emails arrive -as a notification from the posting- to my emailaddress [two sites, remember].) I will send you some questions. You have to reply within reasonable time, depending on the queue behind you. Money offers has their own priority up until the account secured by a claimer, be advised!: Even if i sent the final details, but you do not open your message and secure the account, i might recive a money offer, and resecure and sell the account to someone else.
    -Money offer: Still have to comment, and still have to wait until claim-time! After that, money talks, you jump the base queue (with offers at least 10 dollars//if someone already offered money, yours is after it// Comment-less money-offers will be ignored)!

    (You can ask about it all in PM and comments too, comments only qualify after the time has passed [all "first" will do then], i will do my best to check for mails and back, but i also have to sleep and live.)

    Please be avaible even after once you were skipped, because of the backstorries: by experience, i might will come back to you! I will update everithng and everyone, after it is successfully out of my hands!

    It was listed several times, link1 link2, link3, and no one bothered to even ask about it, even if it was bumped almost daily, or if something was questioned, they wanished after the reply.
    The recent listing was a chaos link4:
    Expected similar activity as in previous times, but 3 instant, and 6 overall user replied in some way.
    1st: I asked several questions, he replied to one, halfly, asked something, i replied, heard nothing back.
    2nd: When i talked with 1st, continously pushed, offered money. When i gave in and left 1st, he was unavaible for several days. When i contacted the 3rd, and i wrote to him about it, him being excluded because of not replying, he suddenly appeared, and claimed he was the first even... do not be that guy!
    3rd: Acknowledged he is the 3rd, but that is all, he asked for updates, i provided, but no messages since then (not even just to acknowledge), while...
    4th: Acknowledged he is the 4th, on an other site, where...
    5th: Hit the offer there, without pm-ing, a hour after 2nd was dropped for 3rd, started the transaction. I acknowledged, sent the details. Waited 3 days for him to check-in, nothing (pending time on that site). Waited 7 days, to get the payment, still no activity. It was more than 2 weeks ago, still nothing, while on the second day of the mentioned 7, i resecured the account, so if he would have been active, would know (i would gave it to him, but idid not wanted to just leaving it there, hanging freely). Still no activity. During that:
    6th applied on an other other site. Acnowledged the pending transaction and the chance of account retrival. I asked for about a week-ish wait from him. About on the 5th day, i sent an update, and asked for details. No reply since then.
    Then i fell back to 2nd,a and 3rd, no reply in a week. 4th is on the same site, where 5th hit, so that is risky.
    I just want to be in a state where the login credentials for it are not attached to me in any way, and i have no luck with that!

    Please do not ask me to do a legal notice, with every combination and variation of the possibilities. This is about a game's account overall!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP

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    Forgotten detail: Account will be provided with its own attached email address, and both will be provided!
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    Other site: Final stages pending
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  4. OP

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    Basicly sold, just waiting for a final yes!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  5. OP

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    Gone. Other site!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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