Elevation Saf discotheque Bs mainframe Blk muddy Ferocity Cobalt taniwha Crimson pyrrhos Pink solar flare Blk good shape Puple wet paint Tw Zowie Haunted hallows Fire god Saf Grimalkin Unpaint Vampire Bats Ignition Pink Fennec ombre Tw and Fg Flamerate Pink IO Infinite Orange Komodo Crimson Takeover Tw and Purple Vertebrate Lime Orbit Impact Juiced Sb santa fe Nitro Mobo , Endo mg-88 Orange Buzzkill Overdrive Lime Centio Pcc Purple Lonewolf Purple Yamane Revival Crimson Mondo Fg , Lime , Orange Fsl-b Purple K2 Crimson octane dragon lord Grey pixel fire Tw and lime Spiralis R2 Secret santa Blk pepperment Winter storm Select Fav 1 Grey Clodhopper Cobalt Cristiano Lime Fennec Edge burst Grey lightspeed Tw Abtruse Spring fever Kaleidoscope Totally awesome Sb Rico Crimson and Blk Shattered Crimson Stella Cobalt Voxel Triumph Blk Machina Fg Ekg omg Tw Royal tryant Fg Samurai Turbo Purple and Cobalt Septem Lime aqueous xenosplash Velocity Tw Zigzag Victory Blk Mister monsoon Vindicator Lime Clodhopper Fg Creeper Glorifier Blk and Lime Neuro agitators Tw Abtruse Fg Picket: Holo Tw Sentinel Zephyr Saf Binary Crimson Astaroth Saf Thread X2 Tw Virtual Wave NOTE : After F2p Series Bps I didnt list..... lmk what u need from them # #/Bannedguy5 # .