Discord - xfncy Contact for any missing details. 73 Borders Legend Granger Starfall Knight Avatar Border Legend Gord Conqueror Avatar Border Shine! Atomic Pop! Avatar Border Wondrous Romance Avatar Border StarLight Member Avatar Border Light of Judgement Avatar Border M4 Prime Avatar Border M4 Glory Avatar Border The World of Kung ** Avatar Border Happy Eid al-Adha Avatar Border Legends Return Phase 3 Avatar Border Forsaken Light Avatar Border Fight! M-World! Avatar Border Hero of Overdrive Avatar Border Fantastic Party, Cinnamoroll Avatar Border Miss Hikari Avatar Border Blade of Kibou Avatar Border Crimson Moment Avatar Border M3 Glorious Avatar Border Villain's Sorrow Avatar Border Autobot Avatar Border Eid al-Adha Avatar Border Blazing West Avatar Border Legends of Dawn Avatar Border Soaring Dragon Avatar Border Abyssal Avatar Border 2019 Summer Festival Claude/Fanny Avatar Border V.E.N.O.M. Avatar Border Bling Ring Avatar Border 2019 MSC Avatar Border 2019 Valentine Gusion/Lesley Avatar Border 2019 Valentine Avatar Border Christmas 2018 Male/Female Avatar Border S.A.B.E.R. Avatar Border ___________________________________________________________ 108 Heroes ___________________________________________________________ 270 Skins ___________________________________________________________ Current Rank Mythic 14* Highest Rank Mythical Glory 91* __________________________________________________________ Gusion Main 405 Matches 66.4% 1588MMR Chou 198 Matches 75.8% 2410MMR Julian 184 Matches 62.5% 2059MMR Clint 183 Matches 76% 3828MMR Lancelot 182 Matches 74.7% 2432MMR Moskov 157 Matches 68.8% 1687MMR Fanny 138 Matches 73.9% 2292MMR Karrie 132 Matches 61.4% 2626MMR Ling 131 Matches 75.6% 2636MMR Beatrix 97 Matches 75.3% 2452MMR Granger 95 Matches 68.4% 2370MMR Hayabusa 89 Matches 73% 1707MMR Roger 88 Matches 76.1% 2579MMR Franco 86 Matches 72.1% 2506MMR Aamon 84 Matches 63.1% 1635MMR Selena 81 Matches 86.4% 2388MMR Grock 74 Matches 82.4% 3309MMR Pharsa 73 Matches 61.6% 1274MMR Yi Sun-shin 71 Matches 70.4% 1388MMR Aldous 70 Matches 75.7% 2376MMR Martis 65 Matches 63.1% 2169MMR Paquito 60 Matches 70% 1200MMR Cecilion 60 Matches 68.3% 2398MMR Bruno 56 Matches 62.5% 2450MMR Claude 54 Matches 63% 1675MMR Gord 53 Matches 64.2% 1132MMR Dyrroth 52 Matches 65.4% 1562MMR Bane 51 Matches 80.4% 1182MMR ___________________________________________________________ Total Matches 4700 68.38% Classic Matches 2849 70.59% Ranked Matches 1851 64.99% ___________________________________________________________ Emblem MAX ___________________________________________________________ Legend Granger Starfall Knight Legend Gord Conqueror 11.11 Hayabusa Shura DawningLight Chou Thunderfist Collector Pharsa KOF Gusion KOF Karina Star Wars Alucard Obi-wan Kenobi Transformers Roger Grimlock SaintSeiya Badang Pegasus Seiya HelloKitty Floryn Fluffy Dream Prime Beatrix Stellar Brilliance AnnualStarlight Kagura Water Lily M3 Roger Phantom Ranger M4 Beatrix Light Chaser LunarFest Sun Spring Blessings Time Limited Epic Fanny Skylark Time Limited Epic Roger Cyborg Werewolf Time Limited Epic Freya War Angel Time Limited Epic Selena Virus Time Limited Epic Saber Onimaru Time Limited Epic Karrie Gill-girl Time Limited Epic Kimmy Astrocat Time Limited Epic Selena Thunder Flash M-World Ling M-World Wanwan Zodiac Minotaur Epic Lancelot Floral Knight Epic Grock Codename - Rhino Epic Hanabi VENOM Epic Harley VENOM Epic Grock VENOM Epic Rafaela Flower Fairy Epic Esmeralda Blazing Shadow Epic Valir Draconic Flame Epic Zilong Glorious General Epic Uranus Celestial Bastion Epic Moskov Blood Spear Epic Gusion Soul Revelation Epic Yi Sun-shin Fleet Warden Epic Saber SABER Epic Cyclops SABER Epic Rafaela SABER Epic Nana Mecha Baby Epic Aldous Blazing Force Epic Ling Night Shade Epic Lunox Dawn Revelation Epic Roger Phantom Hunter Epic Lunox Eyes of Eternity MPL Wanwan E-girl Belerick Torch Guardian 575 Harith Fashion Expert Lapu-Lapu Vulcan Martis Deathrock Ruby Edelweiss Natalia Deadly Mamba Terizla Hammer Giant Selena Gothic Curse Bruno Neymar Jr Harley Pulsar Prodigy Aulus War Lion Rafaela Seraphic Selfie Hayabusa Techie Ninja 575 Zilong Storm Rider Miya Moon Priestess Belerick Emerald Guardian Bane Underworld Outlaw Karrie Wheel of Justice Thamuz Abyssal Reaper Summer Freya Beach Sweetheart Summer Claude Lifeguard Summer Faramis Summer Sparks Summer Angela Summer Vibes Summer Akai Summer Party Summer Clint Sun `n Sand Halloween Karrie Jester Halloween Angela Scream Doll Christmas Freya Christmas Carnival Valentine Clint Guns and Roses Valentine Gusion Dangerous Liaison Starlight Skins 19 Special Skins 31 Elite Skins 52 __________________________________________________________ Magic Wheel 43 Aurora Summon 9 BP 28k Profile Gifts 240 Popularity 71k Tickets 4.4k Diamonds 118 Zodiac Spin 32 Twilight Coin 76 Hero Fragments 55 Pink Fragments 110 Blue Fragments 165 StarLight Fragments 450 MCL Enterance Tickets x8 Lucky Guess Coin 2297 Like x531 Gift: Dragon Soul Jade x1 Gift: Hello Kitty x2 Gift: No. 10 Jersey x7 Gift: Ancient Umbrella x1 GiftL Skywhale x1 Gift: Airship x1 Familiarity Sweets x4 ___________________________________________________________ 5 Permanant Notification Effects 16 Permanant Spawn Effects 11 Permanant Recall Effects 12 Permanant Elimination Effects 23 Sacred Statues 70+ Emotes 13 Action Emotes ___________________________________________________________ *Lost Facebook. bind is connected to the account which can be removed using Moonton email. 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