Sold [WTS] S> Two +15 accounts [Hurk/Kai] [East]

Discussion in 'Vindictus Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by AmbixVindictus, 11/7/16.

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  1. AmbixVindictus

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    Looking to sell three different accounts to day. Everything showed in the screenshots is what you get, including gold etc. All accounts are originally mine, and come with the original emails. I have done a lot of account selling on this site, so either you go first or we won't be doing any business.
    http :/ /www . mp gh .net /fo rum/s howthread .p hp?t=11 32619 Previous account sold which was sold for 500 USD, buyer went first and we had no issues. Also this is my first playerup profile where I sold a lot of AVA accounts. http :// w ww . playerup .n et/for um/ memb er. php? u=9 26917

    First one is a level 90 Hurk, with a +15 Armageddon GS. 200 USD Firm, no negotiating.

    Anything worth showing will be in these screenshots.
    +15 Gallant Maelstrom Armageddon GS
    Void reaper hood fused to WB/Journying Pirate helm
    Vampire slayer set
    And other items http :// imgur .co m/a /sRp s6 (Remove spaces)

    2nd account is a level 90 Kai with a +15 Gallant bloodlust Heremon Crossgun. 200 USD Firm, no negotiation.

    +15 Gallant Bloodlust Heremon Crossgun
    +8 Enthusiastic TS Helm Fused to Kai Sunglasses
    Well-balanced Master TS chest
    Orange TS Gloves
    Halloween gloves
    +500 attk +2 balance Necromancer set
    Dyes, loooots of VIP, and a bunch of runes.

    http :/ /im gur .co m /a /SY rOU (remove spaces)

    3rd account Plain level 90 Karok / level 81 Kai. 40 USD Firm, no negotiating.
    Vampire slayer set
    18.7k attack
    A couple mil worth of items to sell
    http :/ /im gur . co m /a /rR4 wa

    http : / /im gur .co m/ a/7 y38j

    If you're interested in any of these accounts, add me on skype "mynameisambix" or reply here. I don't want gold, or accounts for other games, just strictly USD through paypal.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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