Simply stopped playing a long time ago I have a full PURE incensed hyperion set with a +20 pure book.(Yes it's a bit old, but this set beats a full +15 DD Set ) The set is +5, the book is +20, it is coupled with an A2 combine, so it works very well for both pve and pvp . There is no need to + the set more than it already is, because it's is way above the mb cap as it is. Regarding pvp : It's got a full Seraph set , +15. Full 4Star accs, enchanted randomly (1-4) , Plume +8 , mount, AP Pots, this is literally a dream sorc. I'm only level 66 but i win duels vs 69s-70s very easilly, a nuke with that tome clears someones hp easilly. Needless to say , a+20 weapon means you have a skill no one else has. In my case it is Cleanse, that means you're almost a cleric! You clear a debuff , sms can't destroy you anymore! Feel free to contact me for more info, I check this very often, and will add you on skype for discussions. How can you trust me ? I'm simply way too nice for my own good, and if you played on Israphel or Kahrun , you will know me and won't worry at all about trusting me Current server : Kahrun Price : Make your offers, i won't break a bank