Have a level 82 SWGOH account for sale. 7* Toons are: Admiral Ackbar First Order Tie Pilot Fives Ima-Gun Di Lumi Royal Guard QGJ Aayla Secura Dooku Leia Rey Teebo Poggle the Lesser Phasma Kit Fisto IG-88 IG-86 Yoda Ewok Elder Dathcha Darth Sidious Boba Fett 6* toons: Vader Sun Fac Rex Darth Maul Mace Windu Jawa Scavenger Jawa Eeth Koth Barriss Offee 5* toons: Stormtrooper Han Plo Koon Luke Kylo Jedi Consular Hoth Scout Ewok Scout Emperor Palaptine Old Daka Echo Chief Chirpa Cody Biggs Anakin 4* Notables: General grievous Tusken Shaman Jawa Engineer Chief Nebit and 29 others that are 1-4* there is also 954 Crystaols, 868k Coins, 20k+ Ally Points, 1190 GW Tokens.