Hi. I want to sell my id in CH there is 4 character. 1. Level 65 Sorc elin iLvL 418, +12 Lilith Weapon and Lilith belt, with +12 Slaughter Set, shadowvain Acc Moon Mount, yellow innerwear. 2. Level 65 Reaper elin iLvL 414, +12 Slaughter Set, shadowvain Acc Moon Mount, green innerwear, and Lilith weapon, boots and belt in invent. 3. Level 48 castanic male slayer, Moon mount. 4. Level 36 Elin Mystic, Moon mount. Some item, selliable costume and some gold in bank, all gold+item is like 40k - 60k. U can use that item or sell it. Looking for 80$ only. Payment using paypal only. PM me if u interested, details will be in PM. Thanks.