Sold Selling ~ NA & EU Accounts ~~

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by LadyHks, 11/6/16.

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  1. LadyHks

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    Original accounts
    I'm the unique owner
    They are leveled by hands
    Never ban and never used third-party tools

    My Feedbacks:

    I'd prefer you to buy accounts trough due to guardian and security reason for both you and me, but,
    if for some reason you have problem with that:
    **Payment accepted Paypal.
    ***Procedure: After I receive the payment, you will provide me an e-mail address, and I'm gonna change account mail with yours,for tera EU you have to confirm the change by clicking the link you will receive at the mail you provided me, for Tera NA I will confirm it directly,
    account now is bound to your mail and I will give you the password.
    ****For more details about the accounts and included stuff with them feel free to message me!


    All accounts you see on this post are avaible,
    I keep it updated by removing sold ones.

    You can directly buy an account from playerup:

    ~Mystic 65 ilvl415 Mystel (EU)~

    Slaughter set +12 Good rolls
    Shadowvain accessory set
    Harley mount (Stamina),White afro duck,Snowdrift
    Few pets from Achievements.
    In inventory it has Lupus argentum mount 30 days,
    Ember tails 7 days and Sparky 21 days.

    **If have any question before buy feel free to message me


    [COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4][B]~Lancer 65 ilvl415 Mystel (EU)~[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Slaughter Set +12 Best Rolls[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Slaughter Weapon +12 Best Rolls[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Quadrefoil Brooch Best Rolls[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Corvette Earring/Ring[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Bloodwain Earring/Ring[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Slaugther Belt[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [B][COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4]Stamina Mount[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4][B]Some Stuff in the Bank like 1700+ Alkahest[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]
    [COLOR=#00ffff][SIZE=4][B]**If have any question before buy feel free to message me[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][B]


    [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ffff]~Brawler 65 ilvl413[/COLOR][/SIZE] [B][SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ffff]Mount Tyrannas (NA)~

    Slaughter Set +12 Best rolls[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ffff]Shadowvain accessory set[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ffff]Noble Moon Mount[/COLOR][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=4][COLOR=#00ffff]Cool Skin[/COLOR][/SIZE]

    **If have any question before buy feel free to message me[/B][/SIZE][/COLOR][B]


    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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