WTS God and Man in Harmony AWE

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by HmongTuagNti, 11/4/16.

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  1. HmongTuagNti

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    School: WV- Train Away to Rootless
    Jinghu Iner : Again Worldy lv 72/72

    mount hua inner : purlpe soul lv 54/54
    chengfeng inner : Cloud-surpassing Mental Skill lv 54/58
    and other school

    Merdian :

    Emei 144
    Scolar 180 (mount hua 180)
    WV 180
    Tangmen 180
    Beggar 180 (chengfeng 180)
    Sholin 180
    RG 180 (blood blade 72)
    WD 144 (Opened to 180)

    Weapon Manual :

    -BareHand 454
    -Twin Sword 454
    -Doble Sting 454
    -Single Sword 359
    -Single Blade 295
    -Dagger 194
    -Doble Blade 194
    -Hidden Weapon 194
    -Staff 130

    Pluck the Peacock(Ancient Bubble)
    Ancient Dragon Claw(lvl3)

    Cash skill set :

    -Nine Palace lvl 10 (rage lvl 12)
    -Heart Buddha Palm lvl 10
    -Curled Branch Sword lvl 10
    -Skill NW GuXi Dagger Lvl 10/11
    -Mozi Sword
    -Snow Sword (lvl 4-6)

    School Set:
    -Rootless Swordplay- lvl 3

    Have companion

    Buff skill

    -Pegasus Flying in the sky (Flying horse) lvl 4
    -circle the moon lvl 4
    -Turn weoapon Arround lvl 5
    -Disquise lvl 4
    -Internal Alchemy (Brawn,Spirit) Max lvl 6
    -Internal Alchemy (Brawn,Stamina) Max lvl 6
    -Internal Alchemy (Dexterity,Breath) Max lvl 6
    -Internal Alchemy (Dexterity,Spirit) Max lvl 6
    -Internal Alchemy (Spirit,Stamina) Max lvl 6
    -Internal Alchemy (Dexterity,Stamina) lvl 5/6
    -All Flying skill lv 5

    Falcon lvl 2


    TwinSword clas 6 chef jade (6 weapon damage)
    Single Sword class 6 BS jade (3 lines weapon damage)
    Doble Dagger clas 6 Chef jade
    Blade BS clas 4 jade
    Claw Chain 4 Gold

    Equip/Gear Yin
    All Equip Clas 6 jade with hight stat
    Bracer clas 6 (Joined Finger- 1 rage )jade
    Bracer class 6 chef

    -Dragon claw rage 10%
    -9 Palace rage 10%
    -Snow Sword rage 10%
    -Buddha Heart Palm (Nihility) 10%
    -Perish Blade (Shura roots the bone) 10%

    Full Internal Crit 2% + Internal Damage %
    Full Internal Damage reduced % + Internal Damage %
    Full External Crit % and damage reduced %

    -Red Flame Bird
    -Lightning Mink
    -Panda Mink

    Life skill
    -Legendary Farmer
    -Legendary Hunter
    -Legendary Weiqi
    -Epic Blacksmith
    -Epic Chef

    Have 13 Outfit

    -Leave the Mortal World Clothes (break eggs event outfit)

    New World outfit
    -Ancient Tomb Sect Attire
    -Heaven Net Cult Attire
    -Nuzhen Attire
    -Killers' Manor Attire
    -Changbai Mountian Outfit
    -Six Gates Attire
    -Tibetan Attire
    -Lord Qin's Lackey Outfit
    -Northen Plains Lover's Outfit
    -Cultured Couple Outfit
    -Western Region Ambitious Hero Costume
    -Western Region Chivalrous Hero Costume

    -Red Phoenix Qin( 3* Single Sword)
    -2 more lore outfits - find out yourself ;)

    -10 AWE Frags
    -1 Five Element

    This Account can easily beat most KYOC. Can do up to 3k crit for 9Palace. Can do up to 6-7k crit on Buddha Palm. This account can easily tank any boss. Hook me up if you want more info - Skype name... teng.xiong49
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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