Sold Selling mid tier account

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Korgor, 11/3/16.

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  1. Korgor

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    stopped playing the game for a while have about 1000 rubies 100 topaz, and a few characters account lvl is 50

    some of the characters are not geared but all of the 7ks are


    Eileen 30 +5 guild costume and i have a 5* one
    Lubu 34(36)+5
    Teo 36 +5
    Rin 32 +5
    Dellons 36 +5 guild costume
    Wukong +5
    Ace 36 +5
    Rachel 34 +5
    Rudy 32 +5
    Spide 30 +5
    Giparang 38 +5
    Noho 40 +5
    Bi dam 38 +5
    Shane 38 +5
    Yu Shin 36(38) +5
    Guan Yu 34 +5

    theres a lot more on the account, awaakened items awakening shards etc i'm too lazy to type it all if you are interested in buying give me a pm
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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