Sold Selling Healer with POW Lv 100 Chronos

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by reytexas, 11/3/16.

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  1. reytexas

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    Lf Prices for (Female) Aeore Shillient Saint Healer Lv 100 74% - Dual Iss Hirophant 99 16 Ap 50%

    Skills info:

    Prophecy of wind
    Brilliant Heal +3
    Radiant Recharge +2
    Brilliant Purge +2
    Celestial Party +2
    Panic Heal +2
    Lumi +3
    Radiant Pruge +3
    Limited Ranged Weapon Resist +5

    Some others skills +1

    Dual Class Skills:

    Sonatas +4
    Just miss skills Dutty


    Items no tradable:

    Aria's Bracelet: CON
    Talisman Anihilation
    Shiny Elemental Shirt +5
    Halloween Cloak
    Special Resist Earring - Stun
    Festival Cloak - Blood Red
    Some cakes, vit mantain pots and erupting vit pots.



    x3 Legendary Dyes +5 CON -5 STR (Main Class)
    La vie Rose Broch 3 Sloot
    Old Elemental Shirt
    152k+ Fame Points
    100+ Raid Points
    1.600+ Daily Coins



    Exalted Quest 1 and 2 Done
    Exalted Quest 3 missed: Lvl 100 dual class, Items from siege and dimensional raid, weapon +7.
    Antharas Quest Done
    Valakas Quest Done

    skype: reytexas21

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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