Selling Star wars force collection dark side account...

Discussion in 'Star Wars Force Collection Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Harry Brown, 7/24/16.

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  1. Harry Brown

    Harry Brown
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    Star wars force collection dark side account Account level 61 Battle strength before skills = 998358 Cards 5* none are locked all can be traded. 5* 5/9 dooku sl skill 10 5* 4/7 dooku sl skill 11 5* 4/7 dooku sl skill 9 5* 4/7 dooku sl skill 10 5* 4/7 dooku sl skill 10 5* 4/7 dooku sl skill 10 5* 4/7 bossk skill 40 5* 4/7 bossk skill 10 4* none are locked all can be traded. 4* 8/15 tarkin skill 40 all def up. 4* 8/15 dooku skill 40 sith atk up. 4* 4/7 SCP skill 40 enemy skill down. 4* 8/15 awakened jango. 4* 8/15 snowtrooper 4* 8/15 snowtrooper 4* 8/15 tie fighter pilot. 4* 8/15 zam skill 6 4* 5/9 aurra sniper 4* 4/7 aurra sniper Support cards 3* 4/7 dexter 4* 4/7 boss nass 5* base ahsoka tano (locked to account) Various 3* and 4* bases for support and pilot Vehicles X1 max level millenium falcon X1 max level special forces tie fighter tfa After team skills activate in battle the decks battle strength rises to over 1 million 250 thousand. Payment via paypal please and as soon as recieved will send you id and password
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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