Kingdom Number: #920 Kingdom Name: Eternoika Kingdom Age: 1 month Stronghold: Max level 24. Hero level: 62 Power: 6.2Billion Troops Unlocked: T4 Regular/Strategic Troops: 260mill count, 105 t4 (reg + strat), 150 t2 (reg+strat), rest a few t3 Traps Unlocked: T4Regular/Strategic Gold: 10mill Research: 6 completed, 3 half done /15 VIP: Level 19 Treasury: Maxed Resource: Over 1 trillion of each Has prettymuch everything thats in the store Lots of unused core pieces and sets All buildings level 22+ Lots of gems aswell MAY NEGOTIATE. TY Dont hesitate to ask questions!! Email:- [email protected] Line:- MaeniaX Kik:- retardosaurus