Selling i see that there are a lot of ninja saga player...

Discussion in 'Naruto Ninja Saga Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ali Kliješta, 8/8/12.

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  1. Ali Kliješta

    Ali Kliješta
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    i see that there are a lot of ninja saga player here and i don't have the time to play Ninja Saga anymore so.........if you need any photos beside the description i will upload some... for every ninja saga players i am selling my NSaga accounts i have an strong emblem account with 3 characters the lvl 80 char is very strong with lot of kinjutsuz, dorimaru the pet and the 2nd anniversary back item i am selling my White Man account as well with the strong clan The Undying Clan with tokens and gold for the rest of your lifes with lot of kinjutsuz to and he is pure earth I am selling my pure wind account too he has very high dodge chanche and evasion on highest lvl so if anybody is interested just comment below and tell me your prices i am waiting for your offers :D
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  2. OP
    Ninja Saga accounts Trade/Buy/Sell

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    Wow you have a great account...but now we are using ninja saga transfer account to make deals...are you okay with that?...and please state where your from and a print screen of your characters...=) -chris
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    Ali Kliješta

    Ali Kliješta
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    i am ok with it i am from bosnia and herzegowina i will upload some pictures....
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    Ali Kliješta

    Ali Kliješta
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  5. OP
    Ali Kliješta

    Ali Kliješta
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    price 200 FBCredits :D
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  6. OP
    Chandan Nayak

    Chandan Nayak
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