Selling  7+m GP  200-250 7*  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) 9.7M GP - 7 GLs: JMK Jabba LV JMLS SEE SLKR Rey | Profundity | Starkiller Maul Ben Solo

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by Bruce Clark, 10/11/23.

  1. Bruce Clark

    Bruce Clark
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    Stop wasting time chasing the same shards and pick up this great account at a super price! You'll get 7 GLs, Profundity, toons closing in on Leviathan and GL #8, GL Leia!

    9.7M GP - 7 GLs: JMK Jabba LV JMLS SEE SLKR Rey | Profundity | Starkiller Maul Ben Solo | Raddus Darth Revan Fives R9 | Kyber 3. Fun account with tons of flexibility. Just don't have time to play anymore and son moved on to another game.

    ALL 7 GLs have the Ultimate. Activated the Fury-Class Interceptor; 300/330 for Trench, so will have after next Conquest. Working on GL Leia: w/have 12 of 16 requirements in next 30 days, so buyer is well on their way to GL #8!

    - Characters: 247
    - Zetas: 237
    - Omicrons: 25
    - 7* Characters: 230
    - Gear 13: 147
    - Gear 12: 28
    - Ships: 63
    - 7* Ships: 53

    - R9 Raddus
    - R9 Darth Revan
    - R9 Fives
    - R8 JMLS
    - R8 SLKR
    - R8 GAS
    - R8 Darth Malak
    - R8 Piett
    - R8 Padme
    - R8 Grand Master Yoda
    - R8 Boba Fett
    - R8 GK
    - R8 Dooku
    - R8 Han Solo
    - R8 Cassian Andor
    - R8 Arc Trooper
    - R7 CLS
    - R7 Nest
    - R7 Wat Tambor
    - R7 Starkiller
    - R6 Maul
    - R6 Ben Solo

    25 Omicrons:
    Admiral Ackbar | Rebel Coordination | Leader
    Admiral Raddus | Rebel Assault | Leader
    Asajj Ventress | Rampage | Unique
    Ben Solo | Force Dyad | Unique
    Captain Phasma | Fire at Will | Leader
    Captain Rex | The Lost Commander | Unique
    Darth Malgus | Legacy of Power | Leader
    Darth Sidious | Sadistic Glee | Unique
    Darth Traya | Lord of Betrayal | Unique
    Dash Rendar | Prepared for Anything | Leader
    Droideka | Deflector Shield Generator | Unique
    Embo | Way of the Kyuzo | Unique
    First Order TIE Pilot | Keen Eye | Unique
    Hera Syndulla | Rise Together | Leader
    Iden Versio | Exactly as Planned | Leader
    Juhani | Cathar Resilience | Unique
    Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand | The Emperor's Hand | Unique
    Merrin | Last of the Nightsisters | Unique
    Omega | Part of the Squad | Unique
    Poggle the Lesser | Hive Tactics | Unique
    Qui-Gon Jinn | Agility Training | Leader
    Savage Opress | Brute | Unique
    Starkiller | There is Much Conflict in You | Unique
    Wampa | Cornered Beast | Unique
    Zam Wesell | Shapeshifter | Unique

    - Have 40 Brains; VERY hard to collect (will take Malak to R9 for Leviathan after GL Leia and GI and will have enough for another R9 toon!)
    - Ranked 22 in Squad Arena and 13 in Fleet Arena, so good daily collections
    - Kyber 3 League
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. OP
    Bruce Clark

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    Update 11/8/2023:
    Will be over 10 million by the end of November. 10,000,000. Big number! Started adding up $$$ and time: it would easily take $15,000 to add some, but not all, the toons/pieces, etc. Some you can't buy: only acquired over time. And ships: always a grind, but I'm consistently under 10 in Fleet Arena, which means 200-350 Crystals/daily plus 1500-1700 Fleet Arena Tokens daily, which helps you obtain more zetas!

    - Mods: crazy mods on GLs and most of the 'big' toons. Takes a long time to gear them up!
    - Activated Admiral Trench, added 3 zetas and his Leader Omicron. Need to take to Gear 13 to Relic him.
    - Conquest Reward Crate 450: w/be at 230 Shards for Taron Malicos and 100 Shards for Dark Trooper Moff Gideon plus tons of new Signal Data pieces and shards.
    - 8 Omicron Ability Materials: adding 2 more in 2 days; should have 20 by the end of Nov, so new owner can instantly add a new Omi to the toon of their choice!
    - zeta mats: will save for next owner. Should be over 40 by the end of Nov, so you'll be able to instantly add 2 new zetas!
    - Have been using Crystals lately towards GL Leia & Admiral Trench (which is now activated). Adding 600-900 Crystals daily.
    - Good amount of Datacron pieces saved
    - Data mats: saving to take last 4 toons for GL Leia to R7:
    - 135 Fragmented Signal Data (white one)
    - 106 Incomplete Signal Data (green one)
    - 99 Flawed Signal Data (clear one)

    (Adding many more daily, but this will give you a good start on new G13 toons)

    *********** GL Leia Organa: new owner should be able to activate Leia by mid-December. So you will have ALL GLs! ***********

    - Ackbar
    - Boussh
    - Captain Han Solo
    - Chief Chirpa
    - CLS
    - Lando
    - Lobot
    - R2-D2
    - Threepio
    - Wicket

    GL Leia In-Progress:
    - Captain Rex: 6 stars; 51/100; 1 zeta, 1 Omicron
    - Princess Kneesaa: 6 stars; 40/100; 1 zeta
    - Scout Trooper: 6 stars; 16/100 w/1 zeta
    - Captain Drogan: 5 stars; 61/85
    (Max out all attempts on the above daily)

    Other toons:
    - Merrin: 80/100. She has her zeta and Omicron; excellent toon!
    - Sana Starros: 30/65 w/a zeta
    - Hondo Ohnaka: 3/85
    - Cal Kestis: 4/85
    - BT-1: 12/85
    - 0-0-0: 12/85
    - Cere Junda: 26/65

    Middleman Account: Buy Now:
    #2 Bruce Clark, 10/23/23
    Last edited: 11/8/23
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  3. OP
    Bruce Clark

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    WHOA, now ALL 8 GLs w/Ultimate, GL Leia, JMLS, Jabba, close to Leviathan; routinely in top 10 for ships, so great collections!
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