Sold [offer] NA endgame account| 25SSR/30wNP(Castoria, Waver, Koyanskaya, Oberon, Skadi, Tamamo,...

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/RedZero2512, 10/18/23.

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  1. /u/RedZero2512

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    Endgame account 25SSR/30wNP!

    SSR: Castoria, Oberon, Waver, Koyanskaya, Tamamo NP3, Skadi, , Summer Kama NP2, Space Ishtar NP2, Artoria Saber NP2, Kiara Alter Ego, Raikou (berserker and Lancer), Artoria Lancer, Artoria Ruler and more! CEs: Black Grail lvl80(1left for MLB), Kaleidoscope lvl40, 2030MLB, prisma cosmos. FC: 226,094,344 LF: PayPal. => 45 dollars. Contact for more details.

    # #/RedZero2512
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