[Offering] Free money! (Requires Investment)

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by Crack3r, 10/27/16.

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  1. Crack3r

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    Cracked amazon accs (especially with email access) go for hella demand currently; hence i have programmed my own cracker, but the amount of hits (valid accounts), I get is way too many for me to check through for good orders/AGC accounts :/

    Therefore, when the amazon checker is released (a few days from now), I am looking to buy it, it's possibly going to go for over £100 (estimation), and with me just having spent all my money on a new keyboard by going into overdraft into my bank (musical/not the computer keyboards), I have no funds to buy this :P

    Henceforth, Looking for someone to provide me of a loan; and few days after the checker is out I shall definitely have made more than enough sales to return your money with 50% interest ;), and even if I don't, I shall still be able to return your money from RL life jobs (which i have applied for) :P

    Hope to see you contact me on my Skype : Cracker.Ranj.
    Hoping to do business with you guys.


    Also contact me if you have any jobs/wanna buy anything off me; to help me raise funds for this amazon checker!
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