Need some advice on choosing a class for pvp as priority. I've seen tanks with 70k armour and 103k hp, some hitting 33k shield slaps xO They seem so unbeatable in world pvp areas yet others say tanks are not very good for arena...Then there are Millis who have insane dps and good skills for survival in pvp but then this picture proved me wrong! So Tank, Archer or Milli for pvp/pve?
depend tank are strong for close combat but if you play tank vs mage or archer that have good gear tank should be dead
Lol tank against archers is good tanks are unbeatable against so E kind of types but they can't beat monks they aren't known for dmg
Mili monks against mages are good and against assassins and dps but against rangers that run crazy not
Also to the noobs saying tank won't win vs mage or heal is very wrong. Come to af and I'll see you in sommen wpvp.
Tanks getting damage nerf next update so r stargazer mages ...... It depends a sin can own a archer easy but Rangers not matter what spec have hard time with tanks milli isn't a proberlm all u gotta do is wait or them to use the immue damage thing wait for it to go and kill don't let them get near u archer can 2 shot mages easy and most classes so there in the top for pvp