Free Guide | CSGO Items | Refunding (Global)

Discussion in 'Marketing Other Services For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by OptimistLoewe, 10/26/16.

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  1. OptimistLoewe

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    In this Guide i will show u how easy it is to get 'free' CSGO items. (Global)(G2A only) (this method is very common but it is still very easy)

    Things u need :
    -G2A Account
    -verified Paypal
    -Money (price of the Knife)
    -Steam lvl 3 or higher (lvl5 is optimal)
    -2x PlayerUp account's

    This is a step by step tutorial.
    1. Open the Opskin website and search for a Knife u want.
    2. Let's pick a 185$ Knife
    3. Open G2A and search for : opskin
    4. Now add as many gift cards in ur Card as u want (185$) I have added a 100$, a 75$ and a 10$ gift card.
    5.Go to ur Card and Buy all the gift cards with eu business and !PAYPAL! (Only works with pp)
    6.Redeem the gift cards on ur PlayerUp account.
    7. Buy the knife u want.
    8. After u got the Knife go to Paypal and open a dispute for the purchase.
    9. Say something like this :
    "Hello, today I have ordered a gift card for PlayerUp at G2A. After getting the gift card I wanted to redeem the code. After redeeming I got the message that the code is already redeemed and is not usable anymore. I have already Contacted G2A in a Live Chat. They said that they can't give me a Refund. Hopefully Paypal can help me.
    Greetings [Name]."
    10. Now u need to wait for Paypal to answer.
    Some scenarios:
    -They want a screenshot of the error Message.
    = Go on ur other PlayerUp account and try to redeem the code. Take a screenshot.
    -They want a screenshot of a PlayerUp chat.
    = Go on ur other PlayerUp account --> open a support ticket and ask why the code isn't usable. Take a screenshot.
    etc... (ask if u need help)
    If u are lucky they will NOT Response. (And u will get ur money)
    11.Get ur Refund.
    12. profit ?

    If someone need help just post ur skype or ask questions down below.
    Sry for my bad English :3 :)

    PS: this Method works only for orders under 400$. (Only if u are good)
    Example: if I want to refund 800$ u need to make 2x g2a accounts . On one I am refunding 400$ and on the other one I need to refund 400$, too. (U can use the same paypal.)
    Some weeks ago I found out a bug.
    If u want a higher success rate, just order something, then close the account. And THEN do the refund. After this they DONT responded to me. Maybe they fixed this. Idk. If they respond... do the same as above. If they ask why u have closed the account just say that u closed it because u didn't got the gift card and u don't want to use their service again.
    If u want tips on how to get a HUGE success rate just post ur skype and ask me. I have some tricks.

    If i helped u pls give me reputation
    I don't give any guarantee that this method works :) ((it should)refunded a bayo Doppler a week ago)

    Have fun :D And don't rape it too hard :3

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Psychotic Pls move to method section .
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