
Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by LegeNd~, 10/26/16.

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  1. LegeNd~

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    Hey there, I'm here to get a little more information about a Buy4You service I'd like to do but since English isn't my native language I'm having trouble understanding all of it. Here's what it is from my point of view, and tell me if I'm wrong;

    Person A wants a steam gift card on Amazon of 100$.
    Person B has a Buy4You Service.
    Person A adds Person B on Skype to get pricings.
    Person B tells Person A to give him 70$ BTC and he'll buy the Steam Gift Card worth 100$ for him.
    Person B then gives Person A the gift card.

    Is that it ? And if it is, what are the usual rates? I'm really interested in this, please answer if you're well informed about Buy4You services.
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