Sold Selling Na uno 57 zerker/ranger, 181AP tet axe, 2 boss armor

Discussion in 'Black Desert Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by BDOZerker, 10/26/16.

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  1. BDOZerker

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    Hello, I need to graduate from the Game and Therefore I will be selling my account I have been playing for 7 months


    I have a level 56 Ranger which was my First Char,

    My Current Main is my Zerker, he is level 57/ and 50% without using my 7 Day book EXP, yet. will be 58 by next weekend.

    Currently at 181AP

    TET Liverto Axe,
    Pri- Cannon,
    TRI Oro's, and a 15 Saiyer, that I pretty much use to failstack on for the time being.

    Giath Helm at PRI,
    Bhegs Gloves sitting at PRI,
    Duo Grunil Chest
    Pri Grunil Boots,
    Tri- Bares Neck
    2 Duo Blue Coral Rings,
    Tree Belt,
    Red & Blue Coral Earings,
    Tri Rhutum Belt,
    Tri Talis Neck
    2x Corrupt Ruby Earings
    2x Duo Shrine Guardians
    And Some extra gear floating around on the alts and Jewelry.

    Currently at 181AP, without Pri Earings, and without my offhand making it to TRI, with a little love, This char will have 190+ Easily.

    I currently have a 40 Stacks, and 46 Stack Saved up, for Tri,

    Char has t6 lvl 30 horse with best Skills, 5 Pets, couple horses for alts, fishing boat, extra dyes,
    Sausans lvl 10 Node, Lots of Workers in Hiedel and Altinova,

    I am Asking 350 Dollars to walk away from this account, There are a lot of Extra's, I will give you my phone number, Email, and TeamSpeak Info if you would like more info and to Stay in touch with me. We pvp all night, and always on TeamSpeak. We are in a well known guild, and my char has been in some of the top Node wars to date.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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