[Info] Enchantment Glitch

Discussion in 'Mia Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by aleve123, 10/25/16.

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  1. aleve123

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    Good news here, for you who are a non-mem, you can enchant your weapon with the maximum enchantment in testing server.
    Here are the steps:
    1. Log into your account and ofcourse select the testing server.
    2. Open the enchantment shop and then just search for the member only enchantment.
    3. Click the enchantment and then you're good.
    4. Logout from the testing server and try another server (e.g Artix, Galanoth, or Yorumi)
    5. TADAAAAAA!! You got the member enchantment for freeeeeeee!!!!!

    bobo bobo bobo

    To enchant the items you have to equip it first e.g. if you want to enchant Ninja Class, you'll have to equip it first, otherwise the enchantment will fail

    And don't forget the thanks button! /yeah
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