Sold Selling FUT 17 glitch to win all games (and prevent losses) Takes a minute per game!!!

Discussion in 'FIFA Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by materialsirius, 10/24/16.

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  1. materialsirius

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    I have found a glitch on PS4 where you can win all games in FUT 17 draft and seasons. You won't have to play the whole game. I have won 4 drafts in a row since I am using this glitch. This is a huge opportunity to make some coins on FIFA 17. The people who have bought from me have all packed amazing players thanks to this method and have made their money back. I am asking for 100k in-game coins. If you are interested send me a pm with your skype and we can discuss further. I am willing to take the time to assure you that the glitch indeed works.
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