Sold Selling Founder Account with 8 Char slots, 4 bank slots, SERVER : Killian

Discussion in 'TERA Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ExInferno, 10/22/16.

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  1. ExInferno

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    Founder Account with 8 Char slots, 4 bank slots, SERVER : Killian

    + Gold: 32000
    + lots of enchanting materials (spellbinds, mwa, mes, etc)


    Character 1: Level 65 Popori Lancer (Gold Laurel)

    + Item level 403 / full +12 dreadnaught
    + Etching Master Artisan
    + PET: Chef, Rocky, Bam Bam, Clawd, Juicy, Flaps
    + MOUNT: Legendary Bone Dancer, Tulpar Flying Mount
    + COSTUMES: 24 karat costume + some other permanent costumes, Kuma Mask


    Character 2: Level 65 Elin Reaper

    + Item level 403 / full +12 dreadnaught
    + PET: Chef
    + MOUNT: Tulpar Flying Mount


    Character 3: Level 65 Elin Berserker (Bronze Laurel)

    + Item level 384 / +12 Schisma Wep
    + Weapon Master Artisan
    + PET: Candyspinner (Auto-Loot)
    + MOUNT: Lupus Aurum
    + COSTUMES: Some Costumes permanent (Bunny Costume)

    If interested PM me your SKYPE name. Negotiations are always the best way to trade.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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