Sold [H] 18 Vivillon Collection, Gen 6-Home, Custom OT + Ball [W] PayPal

Discussion in 'Pokemon Go Items for Sale - Buy POGO Items' started by /u/Avarice_86, 10/8/23.

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  1. /u/Avarice_86

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    First time posting here!

    On offer is a set of 18 Vivillon, either as eggs in the Gen 6 games, or fully evolved in Gen 6/7/9/Home, with your choice of Gender, Ball, OT Name, Ability, language tag, and if you'd like, hatch locations*

    *Hatch locations may incur a small additional fee, depending on how far into what game it's in.

    My sheet detailing the process is here: Vivillon

    Answers to a few FAQ's

    The Vivillon are from save managed software (PKSM/Checkpoint), though its only used to manage the 18 files between 3 copies of pokemon Y, and to allow "peeking" on eggs to allot for custom choice of IV's, Gender, etc.

    They are 100% legitimate, three ds's were used from the NA/EU/JP regions, alongside of each corresponding regions games. The eggs were bred normally, and stored in boxes. No modifications have been made period, excluding of the save back ups.

    I keep a spreadsheet logging all the eggs/trades to ensure no accidental clones ever happen, i trade off a set, and delete them from the master files immediately after.

    These eggs have been verified by the mods of r/pokemon trades, and they are traded there as well. Eggs are currently only available in Gen 6, meaning no Apriballs. I have the software for Gen 7 and Apriballs, but i havenot completed the process yet, if you desire this, i can make a note of it, and we'll keep in touch regarding the process.

    When moving eggs, i manually trade them as originally intended via in game means (Local trades between ds's), i've checked them out moving them around via pksm and the like, and it edits the data to a point where flags get thrown on checks via PkHeX. So all eggs are handled strictly via in-game means.

    I'm asking 30$ USD + Fee's

    Reference sheet:

    As always, thanks in advance!

    # #/Avarice_86
    . .
    #1 /u/Avarice_86, 10/8/23
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/30/23
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