Sold NA, Jade Quarry | Ascended Gear, 560 gold, SIX lvl 80s + empty char slot ($75)

Discussion in 'Guild Wars 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by pcalways, 10/22/16.

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  1. pcalways

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    North America, Jade Quarry | Ascended Gear, 560 gold, SIX lvl 80s + empty char slot

    This decked-out Guild Wars 2 account (no Heart of Thorns) has 5,936 achievement points, 6 max-level characters, an empty character slot, 560 gold plus ~150 gold in crafting materials, 9 hard to obtain collectible fractal skins (dagger, greatsword, rifle, scepter, speargun, staff, warhorn, shortbow, and mace), ascended gear, and enough leveling scrolls and tomes to level 1 ½ characters.


    The account has ascended (best in slot) accessories that can be shared with all characters, giving up to 50 agony resistance needed for endgame content as well as an estimated 105 gold worth of dyes. The weapons, armor, and backpieces are also account-bound. The characters have some of the best runes and sigils available in the game. There are multiple copies of berserker’s trinkets (infusion level varies) and berserker’s greatsword, longbow, and rifle, as well as an assassin’s sword. Ascended armor includes assassin’s shoulders, gloves, and boots in medium weight as well as assassin’s shoulders and gloves in light weight. There is one ascended backpiece with 10 AR and another with 15 (berserker’s stats) and various exotic and rare backpieces for other characters. Character photos are below their descriptions.


    First, there’s the level 80 norn engineer. She has 19% world completion and is decked out in half ascended gear (assassin’s gloves, boots, shoulders, and transferrable ascended berserker’s accessories and rifle) and 3 gear sets. The gear sets are of berserker’s assassins, and rabid stats. Attached are the superior sigils of force, accuracy, battle, and geomancy, as well as superior runes of the scholar, strength, and antitoxin. This character can reach up to 75 agony resistance (enough to do scale 60 fractals, a type of PvE instanced endgame) with accessory transfer. Weapons include pistol, shield, and rifle.


    Next, there’s the level 80 norn warrior. This character has two gear sets of berserker’s stats (exotic rarity) and 53% map completion. Runes include superior runes of strength and scholar as well as superior sigils of force and strength. Weapons include greatsword, longbow, axe, and mace.


    Next is the level 80 human necromancer. She has 25% map completion and berserker’s gear. This character has two crafting disciplines almost to max level, 437 tailoring and 425 weaponsmithing. There is one set of exotic berserker’s gear with superior runes of the scholar and force and accuracy sigils. Weapons include dagger, staff, and warhorn.


    In addition, there is the level 80 human Mesmer. With half ascended gear, this character can have up to 70 agony resistance and has assassin’s gear. (Ascended shoulders, gloves, greatsword, sword, transferrable accessories). Stats are assassin’s stats, with berserker’s ascended greatsword and trinkets, though there are exotic assassin’s trinkets. Weapons include greatsword, 2 swords, pistol, and focus.


    I also have a level 80 sylvari elementalist.
    (What this character actually looks like with her costume on.)


    She has two sets of gear (soldier’s and berserker’s stats), max level chef, 404/500 artificer, and 410/500 armorsmithing. This character has 14% map completion. The sets are of exotic rarity. Included are superior sigils of force, night, and battle. Weapons include staff, dagger, and focus.


    Last but not least is my level 80 asura thief. She has max level jeweler, huntsman, and leatherworker. This character has 20% map completion and 1 set of exotic berserker’s gear. Included are superior sigils of force and fire as well as the superior rune of the eagle. Weapons include sword, pistol, shortbow, and dagger.


    The account is for the North American servers on Jade Quarry (Tier 1 in WvW, always top two with Blackgate). The sale will be done via PayPal, and if you would like to use a middleman, you will pay for the services. The account is currently linked to a throwaway gmail address. This account comes with the GW2 password, the GW2 activation key, the gmail address that it is linked to, and the password for that gmail address. Upon purchasing it you can go ahead and change the linked email, etc, but you’ll have everything in your possession. If you would like to get in touch, my Skype username is pcalwaysgamer – Please post in the thread that you contacted me/what your Skype username is so I can keep track of whose Skype goes with which playerup account. The price is a firm $75 USD. Thanks!

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