Sold Selling EU PVE Account T3-M4(4x 65), TRE(7x 65)

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ito, 10/21/16.

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  1. Ito

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    general facts about the account
    Founder Account, All Expansions, 18Day's of Subscription left, Many Rare non obtainable Cartel Market Items, Many unobtainable Titel's, ~38Million Credit's, 913
    Cartel Market Points, XP Buffs, Contraband Slot Machine, etc... ! Played from the beginning till LVL 60 and recently rejoined at LVL 65

    - Marauder, LVL 65, right side + mainhand 224, offhand + leftside 220, Dragonslayer, from Beyond, the Infernal, the Unyielding
    - Powertech,LVL 65, 220+ gear, Gate Crasher + Wings of the Architect, Dragonslayer, from Beyond, Warstalker, the Unyielding
    - Assassin, LVL 65, ~220 gear
    - Vanguard, LVL 65
    - Juggernaut, LVL 60
    - Merceneary, LVL 60
    - Sorcerer, LVL 57
    - Sage, LVL 55

    - Mercenary, LVL 65, 220 Gear, Dread Master + Rancor, Dragonslayer, from Beyond, Warstalker
    - Operative, LVL 65, 220 Gear
    - Sentinel, LVL 65, Left Side 3x 224, 2x 220, the Unyielding, the Infernal, Warstalker
    - Shadow, LVL 65, Korrealis Sovereign(very rare non obtainable PVP Mount), the Unyielding, the Infernal
    - Scoundrel, LVL 65, from Beyond, Warstalker + Mount, the Unyielding, the Infernal
    - Commando, LVL 65
    - Sentinel, LVL 65
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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