Hello! I sell my Battle.net account on Europe server: -Hearthstone account with =>4789 wins, level 477 (level 60 with mage paladin warlock druid priest) =>a lot of legendary and epic cards + 1200 dust(sylvanas, cairne, ragnaros, ysera, chillmaw, deathwing, thalnos, harisson, tyrion, antonidas, ragnaros lightlord, gromash, alxtraza, justicar, velklor, Nzoth, Brann, Barnes, Elise, taurissan, Reno, black knight, chromaggus, nefarian, c'thun)) =>cards skins since season 1 (pandaria). =>I have almost every cards needed for competitive play (except the last 2 wings of Karhazan and cards for hunter, rogue and warlock) =>Tyrande skin for priest, golden hero for mage, priest, paladin and druid. I also have golden portraits for mage priest paladin and druid. I have the rare golden legendary gelbin mekatorque -Overwatch level 126 with at least 1 legendary skin for every character except for 1 or 2 and a lot of epic skins -Starcraft 2 LOTV and HOTS -Name change is available I sell my account because I need money for battlefield 1 and civilisation 6 The price is 60 € and I can pay for a 10€ middleman if you want to. Ask if you have any questions.