Been scammed through paypal recently? Here's how to prevent it.

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Shunri, 10/20/16.

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  1. Shunri

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    If you're a trustworthy seller/trader and you're using paypal as your online merchant, there's always a cause for concern. Whether it be chargebacks from virtual goods or physical goods, the seller is ALWAYS at risk. If you think you've successfully completed a transaction through paypal for a couple hundreds bucks, boy you're in for a rude awakening. I read through a few threads earlier today and I've learned a couple of things to prevent chargebacks effectively. It doesn't matter who you're selling to or trading to, regardless of their history, you are always prone to being scammed. Especially on this forum where scams average around 2-3 a day from people of ALL kind of backgrounds. It takes a victim to know what it feels like to be scammed. So how do How you ask?

    While it may be obvious at first, most vendors use paypal as their payment system so you may be forced to use paypal but the first and most important rule is to always look for alternative payment receiving methods. A popular alternative is bitcoin, skrill, western union. Unfortunately, the middleman section is currently under review/being taken out. If a buyer is truly interested in purchasing from you, then they would have no problems following the necessary procedures: Buyer makes payment to seller for X, Buyer makes dispute for that payment, Buyer cancels dispute claiming they have received the good. Seller sends goods to buyer. Paypal only allows one dispute per transaction, and this is how you could prevent being chargedback.

    Stay safe, and use protection.
    #1 Shunri, 10/20/16
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/28/24
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