Selling  Level 120+  Total Level 2000-2500 2277 - ZUK HELM - ONLY OWNER - DIARY CAPE - 18 PETS - UNTRADEABLES - 0-9B AVALIABLE

Discussion in 'Runescape Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Gm Daniel, 10/6/23.

  1. Gm Daniel

    Gm Daniel
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    My Location:
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    Noteworthy untradables:

    -Tanz mutagen
    -Zuk, verzik, jad, abby, vorkath, kq, hydra slayer helms
    -Avernic with ghommals hilt 6
    -Fang kit
    -Ward kit
    -2 Bh kits
    -7 twisted kits
    -Elite void
    -All prayers
    -Max infernal cape and 1 normal infernal
    -Max assembler cape and max masori assembler cape
    -Ma2 capes (guthix as max cape)
    -Infernal pickaxe, axe and harpoon
    -Max POH

    18 pets
    -Chaos Elemental
    -Kree Arra
    -Chompy chick
    -Abyssal Orphan
    -Giant Squirrel
    -Lil verzik
    -Alchemical Hydra

    Over 36k boss kill count
    Over 3,7k raid completions

    Bank value currently sitting at 39m but up to 9b avaliable!

    I am the creator of this account and only owner. Hand trained and never even a mute.
    Alot and i mean ALOT of hours and with that comes alot of achievements such as cosmetics, boss kill counts, pets, even a few good/decent personal bests at some bosses. This is a fairly uncommon account and therefor the price!

    Price is set to 2,5k with the bank as it sits now.

    If u want more coins we can discuss that in discord dm DeeKay
    Ask for pictures on discord and feel free to leave an offer aswell.
    Serious buyers only!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.