Selling Selling WTS /WTT STO Account with Jem hadar ships

Discussion in 'Star Trek Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by lithalium, 10/19/16.

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  1. lithalium

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    I have here an alt account i used originally for farming and storage. it is a normal no subscription account but has s descent and very rare ships on it

    Jem´Hadar Attack Ship T5U
    Jem´Hadar Dreadnaught T5U with Elite attack ship pets.
    Jem´Hadar Escort T5U

    Elachi S´Golt Escort T5U
    Elachi Monbosh Battleship T5U

    Scimitar Dreadnaught Warbird T5U
    Fleet Tvaro

    summer eventships
    Risian Corvette
    Risian Luxery cruiser

    this toon comes with several lobi store items
    12 bridge officers spots unlocked

    lvl 50 romulan science officer
    no special ships just the levelling ones
    full set of plasma accx2 mkxi weapons
    full solnae space set from the featured episodes

    there are 3 other toons on this account but just storage account. i think they are fully stored with lockboxes-
    for the die hards under us they know what the ships are worth although this is one of my alt accounts i have spend a lot of time in it.

    can sell it for money or ingame items EC. etc....

    show what you have to offer

    happy bidding guys
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