4 years old account. 5 characters on level 80: Guardian/Mesmer/Warrior/Necromancer/Revenant. Every character is in full ascended armor and weapon(s) for its class. Enough Tomes of Knowledge and scrools(1 gives you 1 level) to level up 6th toon from level 1 to 80 in few minutes. 134 Mastery Level, wich means you can hop in raids without leveling any of the toons. Level 51 pvp - made onyly on competitive. 10.000AP points, still plenty achivs to get yourself. 200+gold on account. Over 200 skins in wardrobe, including exclusive ones. 50 Legendary Insights (sorry but i wont farm more to get more value on this account) I will add screenshots later, price 80$.