Sold Selling Lvl 104 VIP 12 Maxed Account - TOP Guild

Discussion in 'Heroes Charge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Borg_Collective, 10/19/16.

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  1. Borg_Collective

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    Asking price is $500 USD

    Account Details:
    Server 45

    29 Red+2 Heroes (all fully equipped at current level 104)
    04 Red+1 Heroes
    09 Red+0 Heroes
    57 Orange+2 Heroes (All of these are fully equipped and skilled till Lvl 103)

    All my heroes coming from shops, or chests are 5 stars already. Only heroes coming from Guild Tournament shop (ex magic stone heroes) are the ones I don't have all at 5*, most are 3* to 4* except for the ones already at red+2 upgrade level. I also have all Legendary quest done as of right now!!!!! No need to complete any more quests.

    I'm currently at Legend (Level 26) in War of the Gods (best prizes at end of month). Also I usually make it into the final TOP 64 in Championship every season.

    Warhall Lvl 5
    Heroes' Camp buildings at level 4
    Training Field Level 35 (and some heroes already maxed at training in 1 stat)
    Crusade Coins: 60k
    Guild Coins: 70k
    Soul Coins: 62k
    Arena Coins: 88k
    Grand Arena Coins: 65k
    Guild Tournament Points: Less than 1k (since I'm still using those to bet on GT tournaments and buy soulstones needed to reach 5* on some heroes from that shop)

    Gold: 55M
    GEM: 14k
    VIP 12 (13 times Stamina, 130 raid tickets daily, Magic Stone, 80% Gems Bonus, 200 Points GT Bonus, two-times Crusade, +++)
    Lvl 104 account - Currently at 75k / 175k for Lvl 105 Team XP

    All cards activated
    Weekly card = 07 days left
    Monthly card = 30 days left
    Season card = 76 days left
    Annual card = 74 days left

    All heroes’ power: 1,190,000 (rank 13th on my server)
    Heroes Stars: 477
    3-day Guild activity: 97.330 (3 last chapters always open)

    Arena Rank: I always rank 1st everyday at my time zone
    Grand Arena Rank: Same as with arena

    Time Rift all stages on Diff 9 with 3*
    Hero Trial all stages on Diff 9 with 3*
    Outland Portal all stages on Diff 9 with 3*
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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