Selling Selling Top player selling grade 13+ accounts / boosts to grade 13+

Discussion in 'Battlerite Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Doctor Dingus, 10/18/16.

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  1. Doctor Dingus

    Doctor Dingus
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    Hello, I am a consistently high-elo player who has been grade 14 since the first week of the game coming out, and have remained in the top 100-200 players in the world ever since. I know the ins and outs of the game and can reliably carry games quickly and efficiently to get you to your desired rank ASAP.

    I am willing to sell battlerite high mmr accounts or boosts to high mmr for a reasonable price, everything done on a by-order basis.This means that for account orders, the new account will not be bought until the order is placed, and you can have any username you choose. For boosting orders, I will log on your account and play as many games as necessary until your desired mmr is reached.

    Boosting Prices:

    Grade 5 - Grade 8 : 5 USD per 100 mmr

    Grade 9 - Grade 10 : 10 USD per 100 mmr

    Grade 11 - Grade 12 : 15 USD per 100 mmr

    Grade 13 - Grade 14 : Negotiated on a per-order basis

    Playing your placement games for you: 25 USD (guaranteed to be placed Grade 12+)

    Account Prices:

    All bought accounts are new, fresh accounts with your chosen name which we will play until they get to your desired mmr.

    Keep in mind prices are the way they are because out of that price, 20 USD must be paid out of my own pocket in order to buy the account for you.

    With the way placing works, accounts will only be sold for Grade 12+ because I cannot place lower than that.

    Grade 12 Account : 45 USD

    Grade 13 Account : 55 USD

    Grade 14 Account : Negotiated on a per-order basis

    Specific desired mmr Grade 12+ : Negotiated on a per-order basis

    All prices are subject to change and most likely will change when the game goes f2p. All prices are # as well, and I am willing to change prices on specific orders if there is good reason to do so. If you have any questions please inbox me or leave a comment below. Thank you.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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