Selling  POE Standard Softcore - Handfarmed Currency - $55 / Mirror (Out of stock Oct 8th, 2023)

Discussion in 'Path of Exile Orbs - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eins4419, 9/29/23.

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  1. Eins4419

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    Unverified Member

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    My Location:
    Price $:
    Make Offer
    PC Standard Softcore Currency
    Mirror of Kalandra

    Stock: 5 Mirror (Sep 27th, 2023)
    $57 per mirror

    mirror icon smol.png

    Payment method: Paypal
    paypal smol2.png

    Contact me via discord:
    discord smol3.png
    Discord username: nyansumi_night
    ID: 159168118764077056
    Active hour: 2:00AM ~ 1:00PM (EDT -4) | 3:00PM ~ 2:00AM (JST +9)
    (just add me and i'll message chu back as long as im not ded, can DM me directly if u in TFT discord)

    For trade:
    Just put an item up for sale in-game for the amount and give me the whisper line
    I'll whisper and trade you after the transfer go through
    (Please trade with high level character)

    Feel free to ask me if chu have any question
    (Handfarm curency, just a player, not re-seller)​
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